Agricultural Cooperative “Tianeti’s Nobati” was established in 2015 in Tianeti. The cooperative’s main field of activity is processing forest products as well as fruit and medicinal plants including “Furusula”, sweetbrier, “Majalo”, wild plums, apples, “Katsvi”.
In addition, due to the seasonality of the above-mentioned raw materials, they produce “Khilfafa” and “Tklapi” as well, so that the enterprise doesn’t stop working.
The cooperative “Tianeti’s Nobati” has been developing over time and the number of its members has been increased. Currently, 13 local farmers are united in the cooperative including 7 women. With the support of the EU’s ENPARD program implemented by OXFAM, the cooperative managed to build and equip a processing enterprise.
“Tianeti’s Nobati” is a growing cooperative. Its members are focused on the development and improvement of their knowledge. They cooperate with various international and private organizations and participate in various grant competitions.
Furthermore the cooperative cares to strengthens its own community and the well-being of the local population. “Tianeti’s Nobati” believes that the production of non-timber forest products has great prospects for the region. Their goal is to expand production so that more local farmers can get involved in their activities.