Kulbaki - The Cooperative Fund




The plain fish pond of the cooperative “Kulbaki” turned into a successful trout business. With the right use of its natural conditions, “Kulbaki”, located in Lechkhumi, managed to develop its surrounding area, including tourism. The cooperative produces organic trout raised in natural conditions.

“Kulbaki” had been owning the fish pond since 1989, but its members formed the cooperative in 2014. Now “kulbaki” united 3 women and 2 men. Before taking part in the program, the fish pond territory needed cleaning. But the cooperative didn’t have enough means and technical capacities. There was a danger of heavy rains during the fall. The amount of fish was also little and could supply small markets.

The territory of “kulbaki” looks different now. With the support from the program, the big area was fully used: the pond was cleaned from the wood and tree branches that covered most of it. Several small ponds were provided for mother trouts and different sizes of small ponds for the trout, according to their size. The cooperative was also given a truck, necessary for transporting the fish in bad road conditions.

Nowadays, “Kulbaki” and its natural trout is known outside lechkhumi region.

The economic conditions of the cooperative have improved. If before, the fish was little and the clients, now the cooperative produces 30-40 tones of fish and is able to supply across the whole Georgia. “Kulbaki” owns its own fishery and produces its baby fish. In the future, they plan to add caviar production.

Taking part in-state program, “Kulbaki” built a small hotel on lake territory which has large prospects in the tourism sector, and the cooperative also moves forward: “We saw the real results of our work, and then we’ll be able to respond all demands of the market”.